Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New House Notes

We're in the new house now. There's a few things in the old house still to be gotten rid of and the repairs to do before we can sell, but we're out!

Many thanks to R.D. (son of a Master Electrician) for help rewiring the dryer from 3-prong to 4-prong. The electrical work was straightforward, but he was watching and giving good, sound advice the whole time, especially about flipping the outlet over when the cord wouldn't reach. Also, moving a stacked washer and dryer is much easier (read possible) with two people.

I've got to learn a new way to get to work. We only moved a dozen blocks, but finding an optimal way in is going to be tricky. If I hit the northbound train at Lamar and Airport, I'm guaranteed to hit it again at 183 just before Burnet. Going over to Burnet first would save that hassle, but I think it's far enough out of the way that going up Lamar is a better choice. I'll have to do some more experimentation and research. Google definitely thinks I should take Burnet, but what do they know?

Speaking of efficiency, and first world problems, I've got to learn to move around my new kitchen efficiently. I don't always know where everything is, and things are much further apart now. It's going to require some route planning to efficiently use.